Saturday, 27 August 2011

Where is lukie today?

Hi everyone

Has anyone seen lukie?? we saw a shocking sight last night and it took lukie!!

This must be linked to Kamaria, me and everyone else hearing that saaaashaaaaaasiyaaaaaaa wind noise.....Ooops! Melina is listeninmg on radio

Missed my pic? go to yesterday's issue BEEP.....

Will you ever stop saying BEEP Melina?

If you are a panda then Quick, go see MR. horsey to get a unicorn saddle, Lukie has One!

Hi! I am Melina!!    *_* BEEEP WRITING COLOUR D.A.R.K.B.L.U..E selected!!

The unicorn's horn may be a key to get in.....OOPS

Well i SAID i had a happy meal in the car!!!!

and i did!! if lukie would have payed attention to me.....He wouldn't have been taken by dementors

What are you talking about

                                                        (   ()       ()   )
                                                        H                 H
                                                                 l l
                                                                 l l
                                                   ----------l  l--------
                                                   l    l               l     l
                                                   l    l               l     l
                                                   l    l               l     l
                                               CUUUU        UUUU)
                                              l                   l               l
                                              l                   l               l
                                              l                   l              l
                                              l                   l               l
                                              l                    l               l
                                       <UUUUUUUU    UUUUUUUU>


Hmph!! leave me!!

Or I use this......

Gets big machine

Hahaha..... Thanks for letting the ghosts out voldemort

The Problem isnt lukie anymore!


Well Thanks for the dementors!!

Pleasure is mine!!

Remember CuteRosie.......

Evron!! Voldemort!!! stop this NOW jack!!! Or tom! 

I will call you Tom and jack

Oh well, I guess I have to....

Brings yellow into machine


Shoots black arrow out

turns into stone with gold on bottom

Hits gold



lukie!! you little!!

takes pipe out of the stock cupboards


Swings at lukie


Wingardium Leviosa!!

Gets pipe

K.O's evron and Tom Riddle

KFP2 style lukie!!

My Fist hungers FOR JUSTICE!! *grumble* that was my....Fist?

Haha, lukie, lets bake some cakes, NO FIRES!!

Paws Up For Panfu

Be Good!! STATIC

Melina, CuteRosie and lukielukepanda

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