Saturday, 27 August 2011

Where is lukie today?

Hi everyone

Has anyone seen lukie?? we saw a shocking sight last night and it took lukie!!

This must be linked to Kamaria, me and everyone else hearing that saaaashaaaaaasiyaaaaaaa wind noise.....Ooops! Melina is listeninmg on radio

Missed my pic? go to yesterday's issue BEEP.....

Will you ever stop saying BEEP Melina?

If you are a panda then Quick, go see MR. horsey to get a unicorn saddle, Lukie has One!

Hi! I am Melina!!    *_* BEEEP WRITING COLOUR D.A.R.K.B.L.U..E selected!!

The unicorn's horn may be a key to get in.....OOPS

Well i SAID i had a happy meal in the car!!!!

and i did!! if lukie would have payed attention to me.....He wouldn't have been taken by dementors

What are you talking about

                                                        (   ()       ()   )
                                                        H                 H
                                                                 l l
                                                                 l l
                                                   ----------l  l--------
                                                   l    l               l     l
                                                   l    l               l     l
                                                   l    l               l     l
                                               CUUUU        UUUU)
                                              l                   l               l
                                              l                   l               l
                                              l                   l              l
                                              l                   l               l
                                              l                    l               l
                                       <UUUUUUUU    UUUUUUUU>


Hmph!! leave me!!

Or I use this......

Gets big machine

Hahaha..... Thanks for letting the ghosts out voldemort

The Problem isnt lukie anymore!


Well Thanks for the dementors!!

Pleasure is mine!!

Remember CuteRosie.......

Evron!! Voldemort!!! stop this NOW jack!!! Or tom! 

I will call you Tom and jack

Oh well, I guess I have to....

Brings yellow into machine


Shoots black arrow out

turns into stone with gold on bottom

Hits gold



lukie!! you little!!

takes pipe out of the stock cupboards


Swings at lukie


Wingardium Leviosa!!

Gets pipe

K.O's evron and Tom Riddle

KFP2 style lukie!!

My Fist hungers FOR JUSTICE!! *grumble* that was my....Fist?

Haha, lukie, lets bake some cakes, NO FIRES!!

Paws Up For Panfu

Be Good!! STATIC

Melina, CuteRosie and lukielukepanda

Friday, 26 August 2011

A strange Robo-girl......Melina?


Uhhh, everyone, It is not what It looks like.....oh ok, It is!!

CuteRosie the only reason you speak now is that my silent machine broke and I am out of towels to cover your mouth with!!

My Lucky day Jack!!!

Who's jack??!!! "starts sweating"

You know who jack Is evron HammerStone, or should i say JACK Hammerstone!!

I......How do you know about that!!!???

Takes towel off mouth

Haha!! while mama distracted youElla wet this Old rag of a teatowel to get it off me

Clicks little orange button


I have seen this before........

Help Me!! Don't forget me!!

Fire machine......

We have experienced this over 10 times

Come on you four!!!

who is there?
No time to explain Kid!! come here!! I have a happy meal in the car!!

Oooh yaaay!!

My Leg is stuck in an iron rod


Thx lukie



While you waste your time talking.....

Walks into room
                                                                                                l    ()       ()    l
                                                                                                             l l
                                                                                                             l l
                                                                                l ---------------------    -------------------l
                                                                                l   )                                                   (    l
                                                                                l   )                                                    (   l
                                                                                l    )                                                     (  l
                                                                                1   )                                                     (  1
                                                                                 l   )                                                      (  1
                                                                                uuuu>                                                 <uuuu
                                                                                        l                       l                            l
                                                                                        l                       l                            l
                                                                                        l                        l                           l
                                                                                        l                        l                           l
                                                                                        l                        l                           l
                                                                                        l                        l                           l
                                                                                        l                        l                           l
                                                                       <(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((() ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))>            Melina Superbot. 2011

Pic of Melina, I did my best to illustrate a robot, hope you all love it!!
Me created to D.E.S.T.R.O.Y pandas

Beeep, Signal low

New batteries installed

Human talk A.C.T.I.V.A.T.E.D

Hi, I'm Melina, the super Bot, part of team B.O.O.T.S (Battle offence of team super)

Oh help me!! I'm so scared!!

Throws waterbomb

Gets Umbrella with BOOTS logo on it

Haha, I was created with more than you think

Beeeeeeeeeeep, BOOTS members, how are the distractions going?

Gasp!! what IS that

Sorry to keep you all in suspense but you can read more tomorrow

Paws up for panfu!
Be G.O.O.D
Melina, Max, Ella, Evron, Lukie and The mystery man

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The truth about evron's dark heart.........

Hiya fluffy pandas......*sob*

Today I saw evron's mind and what he thinks, I found out he was a child and his parents were very poor so they had to take him to a boy orphanage on EggStone street, I found his birth certificate here.............

                                        Jack hammer stone

                                                                                                 1970, may 18th

                                                                                                                                                            ()          ()

(------->>>>><<<<<-------)  SEAL OF DOCTOR APPROVAL                                                   )___nn___ )

                                                                                            EVRON Hammerstone

I never knew how sad evron must've been as a child, and a few years ago, I found out his parents got trapped in a ruined house under rubble!! How sad!! I still don't see WHY Jack decided to be evil!!

Paws up for panfu!!

Be Good

Lukie and CuteRosie

                Why don't you ever put us lukie??

........oh alright!!

Paws up for panfu!!

Be good!!

CuteRosie, Lukie, Evron and Clive!!   :)

Thursday, 11 August 2011

The Party Has Begun!!

Hiya Fluffy Pandas!

This week, a suprise will happen on panfu..... A PARTY WEEK, yes, a whole WEEK, and tomorrow it is.... Can anyone guess?


Yes, Put your paws in the air for this fun week, Yesterday, there was a pool party, Ella and Max have gone to japan to visit our robot friend, robby!! Ella has written a LONG email to robby and he replied two days later, It must've took him a day to read it, and a day to write back! :-)

Evron hasn't let me go from his prison......

Im gonna try and kick the door now, Oh no, I can't!! Bill, (one of the Stupid Guards) Is bringing me food, Lets see...

Bitterland Menu
Fried dog food with a cherry on top

Baked Peas with spinach and Slime

Hot Mush
Cold Mush
Fried Mush


Hot Sloppy Porridge

Grilled Chicken bone

RIce cream Juice


Enjoy the meals!


All of the nice things have gone.......... SNIFF

So Lukie, moanin' again,I think you should be re-made into my servant!!

That's what we were trying to say boss!!

Oh really? LIARS!!

Gets taken to lab........

Gets headgear on lukielukepanda


you are created to find all the pandas on panfu and Find/Destroy them!!

Yes evron!

I will do as I am told!

Takes pandas out of panfu



Yes master!!

oh, im free!!


oh dear, a cage trap....

More next time....

Paws up for panfu!!

lukielukepanda and Evron And Clive

Monday, 8 August 2011

I have a story today....

Hiya Fluffy Pandas!!

Did you Like my last story? funny wasn't it!! lol!!

I have another story today

it is in
                                                                                  The Magical Kingdom Of

                                                                   Theme Park!!

OH dear!! my Ice lolly fell
Don't worry lukie! you wont be here for long.........

Evron AGAIN!! Do you ever quit?

Guards!! grab His arms!!

Kicks one guard in the leg and gets caught by the other

Got you Finally!!

Do not worry poor lukie!! you are going to be the first to Die in my presence!!

No He Will Not!!

It was My mama!!

Guards, you know what to do!! =.=

No!! You wont!!

Haha, if you think you will escape me Then you are wrong

Why don't you ever give up struggling Lukie?


!! He is gonna get away! stop him!!


My Bird!! What's It doing here??

Evron! there is a villan Trying to take over bitterland!!
OMG where? ll turns around ll

"pushes evron on The Pandamare"


Takes evron off ride

Lukie!! your not tall enough!!

Haha.....Why did you try and Hurt these pandas? Yeah!!

Uhh....we didn't hurt the girl!

Oh Ella, Max!! save me!

Its ok lukie, me and Max have seen evron countless times but he never tried to kill anyone!!

I'm not Killing him!! im trying to use his body to regain world control!!

"Puts Hat on lukie with wire coming out attatched to A machine"

What!!?? Help me!!

I must help!! "Taked battery and key out and takes lukie's Fun Play siccors and slashes blue, red and purple wires in half

He is pulling the lever..........

Oh dear...... "winks at mama"

"Winks back"


Oh such sad sad faces....

I see what you did CuteRosie, i fixed it!!

I have been trying to get lukie for 10 years and now I have Done it!


Oh dear!!

Bye lukie!!

Pushes button

NOOOOOO Ella, Max, Mama, Guards even, save me!!


Smashes fist through machine

Are you O.K lukie?

Yes But who are you? I recognise your voice......I do too, Are you.........Lily!!!


Throws Pancake at evron


Back to bitterland for me!! ''Takes Lukie and covers his mouth"

Mr mUUUUrmh


What Will happen to me? I gotta stop writing now!! Evron Is waking up!! :)

Paws up for panfu
Be Good

Your Kidnapped, Lukie

P.S I am Going to Find A way to escape from bitterland!!

Lukie, Evron, CuteRosie Ella Max and the guards

Saturday, 6 August 2011

A ride of fright

Hiya Fluffy pandas!! I am so sorry I didn't Write the Blog Yesterday!!   I was so busy I didnt have time to write!!

Today, I did something Silly on panfu!! I... Went on a scary rollercoaster!! Aaaah!!!  It was funny because my cheeks started to burn because it was Panda Rita! in pandton Towers!! I also went on Panemisis!! And Panda Blivion!!  BUT i lost my Ice cream and I went on panda 13 Teen! Yikes!! I nearly lost My ice crown!! Then it came............THE DROP then other pandas were On Panfu_Hex And Panfu_Mine_Train But I saw A villan to make you Gasp!!! Evron was making this into bitterland 2!! I had to stop him, So I ran to the rollercoaster and grabbed evron and then...............

Get Me Off This Thing!!!!!

As IF evron, you deserve this!!

Guards!! Get in the other one!!

We Can't Boss! Its Broke!!

Haha!! I broke the other Carts!! You will Never Escape

Hey Everyone!!

It was My Mama, CuteRosie

We Will Stop you CuteRosie!! anything you may say will be recorded on CCTV

I broke that aswell........


Out of luck this time evron!!!

And That Was It, But Lukie saw something that Was strange and I Couldn't Move!! I was Petrified!! I am Still In the beach hospital wondering what to do!!

Be Good Fluffy Pandas

Your petrified Lukie

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Gold Panda Days!

Hiya Fluffy Pandas!

I have Seen, a lot of new panda's Log on to panfu!! It pleases my heart to see a lot of black and white Animals Playing together!!!

I suppose some of you have not got the Gold Package Like me, But there are certain days when You get to be A member For the day!! It ends at midnight, but if you Stay Online After midnight, It will be cancelled when you Log off

You will keep all your clothes/Furniture when you log in the next day, but YOU CAN'T USE YOUR THINGS But they will still sit around In your furniture Box And your clothes bag! i see you all Have nice clothes on on G.P days!! Well see my first post for what I wear!!

Now I say Goodbye to all Pandas!!
Be Good
  Paws Up for Panfu!!

U lol